How to Make Whipped Shea Body Butter

How to Make Whipped Shea Body Butter | No Heat Cold-Whip Method

How To Make Whipped Shea Butter: The Best DIY Body Moisturizer Shea butter is a natural moisturizer that's made from the Shea tree. It's an amazing natural ingredient that's popular with people who want to make their own homemade products, including whipped shea butter and shea body butter. Here you will learn how to make...
Can I Use Rosehip Oil for a Sunburn

Can I Use Rosehip Oil for Sunburn? Natural Remedy for Sunburns

Can I Use Rosehip Oil for Sunburn? If you are seeing red because you accidentally got a little too much sun, you’ll want to find some relief fast. There are lots of remedies out there, but the ones that are natural are the best choices. Aloe vera is the most common natural ingredient everyone reaches...
Is Jojoba Oil Good for Beards

Is Jojoba Oil Good for Beards? For Skin Underneath Beards?

Jojoba oil is everywhere you look in the world of skincare and hair care. That’s because this all-natural ingredient has so many benefits. But is jojoba oil good for beards? It only makes sense, since it is highly moisturizing, which means it can help your beard look its best! Jojoba oil is a natural product...
Can I Use Castor Oil on Lips at Night_

Can I Use Castor Oil on Lips at Night?

Can I Use Castor Oil on Lips at Night? Even the Egyptians knew the benefits of castor oil! They were always way ahead of the trend in beauty. Now with science behind us, we can confirm the benefits of this natural oil, made from castor beans. Almost the full composition of castor oil is made...
Orange Essential Oil Diffuser Benefits

Orange Essential Oil Diffuser Benefits

Are you looking for a way to improve your health and your home's air quality? If so, you may want to consider using orange essential oil in a diffuser. Orange essential oil diffuser benefits include improved respiratory function, better skin health, and enhanced mental clarity. Additionally, diffusing orange essential oil can help to purify the...
How to Make Lemongrass Body Scrub

How to Make Lemongrass Body Scrub with Essential Oils

In this DIY recipe, you will learn how to make lemongrass body scrub. Mixing up your own natural skincare products is fun and easy, especially when you use essential oils. People love to use plants to connect with nature, give their home a bohemian vibe, cleanse the air, and increase their mood. Plants can be...
Natural Skin Care Tips for Acne

5 Natural Skin Care Tips for Acne

Are you looking to benefit from natural skin care tips for acne? Look no further for relief then with these all natural ingredients that can soothe skin blemishes and pimples. Get ideas on how you can use them to beautify your skin. Acne is a skin condition that occurs when an oily and fatty lubricant...
Benefits of Using an Essential Oil Diffuser in the Bathroom

Benefits of Using an Essential Oil Diffuser in the Bathroom

What are the benefits of using an essential oil diffuser in the bathroom? There are many benefits to using a diffuser in the bathroom. One of the most notable benefits is that it can help to improve your mood. Additionally, it can help to open your breathing and help to reduce congestion. People spend a...
How to Make Calendula Oil At Home

How to Make Calendula Oil At Home

Do you want to learn how to make calendula oil at home? For those who study to become an herbalist, calendula is one of the first herbs to be taught. It has many uses and is one of the more commonly found flower garden plants. The yellow to orange flowers are attractive to both humans...
steam inhalation with essential oils

Benefits of Steam Inhalation with Essential Oils for Beauty, Health and Wellness

Find out the benefits of steam inhalation with essential oils. It is a common home remedy that nearly every household can use for a variety of purposes. Steam inhalation can be used to relieve colds, flu, and coughs, as well as for the aromatherapeutic benefits of essential oil. It can make you feel happier and...