Do you know where to apply essential oils for anxiety? Find out how to use Essential Oils and Aromatherapy to help ease anxiety. Smelling the fragrance of familiar scents gives a soothing feeling . Through aromatherapy, essential oils are used to reduce levels of stress and anxiety. Essential oils are used for practicing aromatherapy. It...

Learn how to use Essential Oils for Chronic Inflammation. Inflammation is a natural and necessary response for the body to stimulate healing. When inflammation is chronic, continuing over long periods of time, it becomes damaging to your health and wellness. Lack of physical activity and improper eating are common causes of chronic inflammation. Essential oils,...

Are you new to essential oils? Whether you are a new essential oil user or have already gotten your feet wet, here are the top 3 starter essential oils that every newbie should begin with. These essential oils are readily available from all essential oil brands and are budget friendly. With just these three oils...